Sunday, November 30, 2008

Works Cited

"Juggernaut." 2008. 30 Nov. 2008 .

Knight, Kevin. "Antipodes." New Advent. 2008. 30 Nov. 2008 .

"Latin and Greek Phrases." 30 Nov. 2008 .

Leadbetter, Ron. "Apollo." Encyclopedia Mythica. 31 Jan. 2004. 30 Nov. 2008 .

Levi, Gerson B., Kaufmann Kohler, and George A. Barton. "Ahasuerus." Jewish 2002. 30 Nov. 2008 .

"A True Church." Leviathan Is A Dragon. 24 Feb. 2008. 30 Nov. 2008 .

"Vulcan - God of Smithing." 30 Nov. 2008 .

St. John

"St. John is unmarried: he never will marry now...he anticipated his sure reward, his incorruptible crown...No fear of death will darken St. John's last hour: his mind will be unclouded; his heart will be undaunted; his hope will be sure; his faith steadfast. His own words are a pledge of this...'Amen; even so come, Lord Jesus!'" (Bronte 455-456).

St. John the Apostle was the son of Zebedee and St. James The Great's brother. He came to be called the "beloved disciple" since he was the only one of the twelve disciples that did not desert Jesus on the cross. This is a very appropriate namesake for St. John Rivers, who, as is seen in this passage, the closing one of the novel, stayed steadily with religion, choosing it over love and all other worldly pleasures. He devoted himself entirely to God and even, in his dying hour, wishes to be nearer to it.

I could not see God.

"My future husband was becoming to me my whole world; and more than the world: almost my hope of heaven. He stood between me and every thought of religion, as an eclipse intervenes between man and the broad sun. I could not, in those days, see God for his creature of whom I had made an idol." (Bronte 276).

Here the theme of "love vs. religion" is brought up again. Since Jane now has love, she no longer needs religion; one takes the place of the other and completes it. The characters in this book seem to either have one or the other, but not both. At the end of the book, Jane and Mr. Rochester have love, but not necessarily love for God or religion, and St. John Rivers has only love for God and religion, and not for anything earthly.

Hitherto I have recorded...

“Hitherto I have recorded in detail the events of my insignificant existence: to the first ten years of my life, I have given almost as many chapters. But this is not to be a regular autobiography: I am only bound to invoke memory where I know her responses will possess some degree of interest; therefore I now pass a space of eight years almost in silence: a few lines only are necessary to keep up the links of connection.” (Bronte 85)

This is another odd interjection by the narrator, Jane Eyre, of the story. She reminds us here again that the novel is simply a narration of a story that evidently is meant to be believable, because Bronte is trying hard to make this novel seem like it is just a young girl telling the actual story of her life. It is not an embellished tale, not a fable really, just a story.


"Now, king Ahasuerus! What do I want with half your estate? Do you think I am a Jew-usurer, seeking good investment in land? I would much rather have all your confidence." (Bronte 263).

King Ahasuerus was a Persian king described in the Bible who owned a massive amount of land; twenty-seven provinces stretching from India to Ethiopia. He was defensive about his land and tried to protect it, as Mr. Rochester seems to be doing when he suggests that perhaps Jane wants half of his estate. Here, the term "jew-usurer" is also used, which is another allusion to Christianity being the superior religion. "Jew-usurer" is a derogatory term suggesting that Jews were greedy and tried to take others money, as Mr. Rochester is jokingly accusing Jane of doing.

Job's Leviathan

“ ‘I wish to be a better man than I have been; than I am---as Job’s leviathan broke the spear, the dart and the habergeon, hindrances which others count as iron and brass, I will esteem but straw and rotten wood.’” (Bronte 146)

The leviathan is a giant sea monster described in the Book of Job in the Old Testament. It was massive and strong. Mr. Rochester is here saying that after the ordeal with his French mistress, Celine Varens, he wished to be more hardened, and stronger, like the leviathan described by Job. (kind of a crazy website)


“Her grave is in Brocklebridge churchyard: for fiteen years after her death it was only covered by a grassy mound; but now a grey marble tablet marks the spot, inscribed with her name, and the word ‘Resurgam.’” (Bronte 85)

Helens Burns died with faith in God and heaven. This passage is another example of Charlotte Bronte's love for religion; the girl who died wishing for God to come has a word on her tombstone that means "I shall rise again." Since she believed in heaven, she will go there and live for eternity.